There are clear, proven tactics that work in beating the IRS at their own game. I have learned working with taxpayers in Spokane and the North Idaho area that resolving your IRS debt can be done the hard way or the easy way. Here are 10 ways to stay on the easy path toward beating the IRS.
#1 Retain representation early!
If you drag your feet, fewer options will be available to you. No one wants a lien filed against them. Beat the IRS, start now.
#2 An Offer in Compromise prepared by a competent professional has a much higher chance of being accepted.
Offers are complicated. Offers are easy to get wrong. This costs time & money. Beat the IRS, get it right the 1st time.
#3 Who you chose to represent you is of the utmost importance
Truth is that most CPAs and attorneys do not specialize in IRS collections work. Don’t risk it, beat the IRS by finding one with the “know how”.
#4 The IRS would rather settle your case before it goes to trial
The IRS’ job is to collect money. Settling with taxpayers brings in money. Fighting taxpayers COSTS money. Beat the IRS, know what they want.
#5 Tax Problems do not go away over time and IRS Interest and Penalties can add up to over 40% of the total tax debt
The IRS has over 150 types of penalties. Knowing how to reduce penalties is how you beat the IRS.
#6 Anything you write or say to an agent or officer can be used against you
First thing I tell my clients, “Don’t say anything to the IRS. Instead, give them my card.” Beat the IRS, through silence.
#7 Taxes can be very difficult to remove through bankruptcy
Taxes and bankruptcy are complicated. If this is an option for you, seek out a professional before using bankruptcy to try to beat the IRS.
#8 They define a successful outcome early in the process
How do you know what to do if you don’t know where you are going? To beat the IRS, make a plan!
#9 Communication is key
Stay close to your resolution specialist. Many phases of solving your problem require swift responses. Beat the IRS through responsiveness.
#10 They’ve resolved to tackle their IRS problem head-on
Success in beating the IRS requires 100% resolve. You must be committed and see it through.
If you have an IRS problem, take these proven strategies to heart. It may be the difference between winning and losing your fight with the IRS.
Jeff Roltgen, Tax Rescue CPA