With the passing of the delayed tax filing deadline yesterday, let us look at what the IRS is doing now.
Almost all the news lately has been focused on the re-opening of the IRS and its ramp-up in various areas.
Here are several of the notable specifics:
Installment Agreements and other payments:
Periodic payments to the IRS have been turned off for months now. That break is over. Starting yesterday, the IRS will be looking for those payments. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/have-an-installment-agreement-or-payment-plan-payments-should-resume-starting-july-15
In-Coming Mail Processing:
For months now the incoming mail has simply been stored at IRS service centers. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/16/877566938/with-tax-deadline-looming-irs-faces-backlog-as-it-transitions-out-of-covid-19-cr
Now those storage trailers are being opened and that backlog of mail is being processed. How long with it take to catch up?
Out-Going Mail Processing:
“Millions of Backlogged Notices Are Being Mailed Over the Next Few Months”. The backlog of out-going mail is enormous! This article reports 20 million! To confuse matters, many of these notices have expired due dates.
IRS Departments Opening Up:
More and more IRS offices and campus are re-opening. While they are still operating at limited capacity, they are re-staffing operations. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-operations-during-covid-19-mission-critical-functions-continue
Filing of Liens:
Back on May 13, 2020, the IRS stopped issuing automated liens on taxpayers. This moratorium ended yesterday. There are reports of tax liens now showing up at County Recorder’s offices.
Jeff Roltgen, Tax Rescue CPA