Round 2 of Stimulus Money!

The IRS has begun the task of delivering the second round of Economic Impact Payments.

Happy New Year! The IRS has begun the task of delivering the second round of Economic Impact Payments.

See the full story here: IRS TO SEND 2nd ROUND

HERE is the quick version of the details:

  • Money will begin showing up in bank accounts as early as December 29th
  • The second round of payments are similar, but different from the first round.  This time around the magic number is $600.
  • $600 per individual, Twice that, $1,200 for a married couple and $600 for each QUALIFYING CHILD.  For this last group, read between the lines and understand that this mean “dependents who are 16 and younger”.
  • Payments are automatic based on 2019 tax filings or other government information.
  • Income threshold is now based on adjusted gross income of $75k for singles, and $150K for married folks.

Want specific details about your money?  The IRS has a tool for that. Click here: GET MY PAYMENT TOOL

Want in-depth details about this government money?  Yep, the internet is full of information, click here: 2nd Round Stimulus

Jeff Roltgen, Tax Rescue CPA

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