Ask me why I do this kind of work.
- Is it because of the countless hours waiting for someone at the IRS to pick up the phone? Or because once they do pick up, they tell me that my request has been put on hold for 90 days with no explanation?
- Maybe it is because the detailed volumes of the US Tax Code make for great bedtime reading?
- I suppose it could be because of the up close view I have of how the IRS and State Taxing Agencies can wreak havoc on a taxpayer’s life, like watching a train wreck in slow-motion.
Nope, those aren’t the reasons.
The reason I specialize in Tax Resolution work is because of the relief and peace it brings to taxpayers who are in genuine trouble and want to fix their tax problems.
Here is an example of an email I received from a troubled taxpayer. We had been working on their case for over 6 months.
What follows is the response I received after finally being able to provide them with some positive news:
“I really do appreciate the hard work and follow through with my very bad tax situation. It’s been more than a weight off my shoulders and my wife’s too, more like someone took their foot off my head in the pool.
Again, thanks for all you do”
You are welcome, and I thank you too. THIS is why I work with troubled taxpayers.
Jeff Roltgen, Tax Rescue CPA

Free Report >>> Get the 7 Tax Relief Secrets the IRS Hopes You Don’t Know