If you don’t usually file a tax return, the IRS has EXTENDED the deadline for you to claim your Economic Impact Payment – STIMULUS MONEY. The new deadline is November 21, 2020.
“The Internal Revenue Service announced today that the deadline to register for an Economic Impact Payment (EIP) is now Nov. 21, 2020. This new date will provide an additional five weeks beyond the original deadline.
The IRS urges people who don’t typically file a tax return – and haven’t received an Economic Impact Payment – to register as quickly as possible using the Non-Filers: Enter Info Here tool on IRS.gov. The tool will not be available after Nov. 21.”
Special note: This additional time into November is solely for those who have not received their EIP and don’t normally file a tax return. For taxpayers who requested an extension of time to file their 2019 tax return, that deadline date remains Oct. 15.
If you are one of the nearly 9 million people the IRS is trying to reach, don’t let this deadline, and $1,200, pass you by!
Click THIS LINK for the complete IRS article.
Need help navigating the sea of IRS requirements? Let me lend a hand!
Jeff Roltgen, Tax Rescue CPA

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